Get healthy and stay healthy with EDTA chelation therapy.

Detoxamin® EDTA Suppositories

Doctor recommended chelation therapy in the privacy of your own home. It’s scientifically proven, much safer, and medically equal to IV therapy.

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Cleanse your body at the cellular level, enrich your health, and improve your life, see products here.

Simply. Better. EDTA Chelation.

+91 96203 17773
Scientifically Proven

Take at night

It works while you sleep. And they are much more affordable as an IV treatment. Detoxamin suppositories work gently overnight, without side effects, you simply take Detoxamin at night before sleep.

Stored toxins

The body has not learned how to dispose of heavy metals and tends to store them. Metals are stored in lymphatic and circulatory systems, vital organs such and also in fatty tissues, which makes Detoxamin’s advanced delivery of CaNa₂ critical.

Major advantage

A major advantage Detoxamin has over IV EDTA chelation therapy is that it has a higher EDTA soft tissue absorption, almost 4x higher, which effectively “tickles” out the heavy metals where the body is storing and tucking them away.

High absorption

Detoxamin’s scientifically proven distribution of EDTA into interstitial and intracellular spaces leads to more a efficient chelation of compartmentalised heavy metal content in soft tissues.

More efficient chelation

And nighttime detoxification is the most efficient, since that’s when the oxidative stress load on the body is at its minimum, and the immune system’s healing mechanisms are working at maximum.

Cellular level

Detoxamin detoxification works on specific FOCI, (focal areas of interference or disturbance within the body), there is often lymphatic stasis involved with concurrent mineral imbalance at the interstitial / cell level.

Detoxamin Original

Available in 500MG and 750MG.

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Detoxamin with Glutathione

Available in 500MG, 750MG, 1000MG and 1500MG.

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Glutathione Only (No EDTA)

Available in 500MG and 1000MG. Medically equal to IV.

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Hygeena Vaginal

Ideal for woman who are experiencing vaginal atrophy, vaginal dryness and painful sex.

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Your body has 1,000 times more lead than before the Industrial Age.

Did you know that studies have shown that on average, we have at least 1,000 times more lead in our brains, with even higher levels in our pituitary gland (makes your vital HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE) than we had before the industrial age? Other toxic heavy metals are being found in equally elevated levels in critical tissues and organs throughout our body, such as our kidneys, liver, and brain. In fact, congestive heart failure patients have recently been reported to have 22,000 times more mercury and 14,000 times more antimony in their hearts.


Why EDTA Chelation? EDTA Chelation brings benefits to every blood vessel in the body, from the largest arteries to the tiniest capillaries and in many cases, the smallest blood vessels are the most distressed. The benefits occur from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, and the critical roles EDTA and glutathione play at the cellular, mitochondrial and cardiovascular levels, and the overall health and longevity benefits are vast and wide. Discover the proven benefits of Detoxamin®

Recommend by Top Doctors. Isn’t it time that you learn more about this remarkable therapy?

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I’ve published proven research results of Detoxamin’s safety and efficacy in approved clinical trials. I recommend that anyone who wants to achieve better health should look closely at Detoxamin.

Rita Ellithorpe MD

Tustin Longevity Center

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My hat goes off to [the manufacturers of Detoxamin] for researching and making EDTA chelation available, affordable, non-prescription, and practical for a greater number of people… Detoxamin will revolutionise medicine.

Sherry Rogers MD

Medical Doctor, Speaker and Writer

Metals accumulate

The body can’t use toxic heavy metals for any beneficial purpose, so it warehouses them in the most inert or inactive tissue (i.e. fat, ligaments and especially bones) and they silently accumulate over time.

Medically similar to IV

Published medical studies prove Detoxamin delivers approximately 40 percent of what an IV dose offers, and is the most medically similar to the traditional IV chelation therapy in the world.

Protect yourself

Where intravenous chelation takes hours of sitting in one spot (a real infringement on a person’s time), you use Detoxamin in the convenience and privacy of your own home.

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State Of The Art Quality Control Facility

Our state-of-the-art, scientific quality-control (QC) testing lab ensures that health care professionals and consumers are receiving and enjoying the highest quality products available. Detoxamin Products are made in the USA, our affiliate manufacturing facility is registered with the FDA, all products are manufactured under the supervision of expert PhDs in chemistry and nutrition, and all our processes are in strict accordance with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs). All ingredients are of the highest USP grade, with essays certifying potency and purity.

Top Recommendations For Men, Woman, And Children Living In Today’s World!

Get our free chelation e-book. Click here.

The potential contribution of chelating agents such as Ca-EDTA to the health of mankind can be greatly augmented as we begin to appreciate the wider implications of their basic detoxifying activity.
We now have the unparalleled history of over 40 years of extensive and safe use of Ca-EDTA, with studies showing increasing life span in research models. Ca-EDTA in our toxic world may become as essential for health as an essential nutrient, and it appears to offer potential benefits as diverse as those seen with some essential nutrients, suggesting we all carry a greater burden of toxic metals than is in our best interest for achieving either optimal health or our maximum intended useful lifespan.
The benefits of Chelation Therapy are primarily the result of the obvious heavy metal detoxification. Blumer showed dramatic long-term benefits from calcium-disodium EDTA that clearly supports the concept that we all may live far longer and healthier lives by simply decreasing our body burdens of lead. The future of combined chelation agents appears promising and largely understudied. The use of EDTA shows clear advantages if the primary focus of therapy is identified, namely to reduce body burden of heavy metals such as lead.

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