It works while you sleep

Continual Slow Acting Gentle And Elegant Detoxification During Sleep
Diminishes The Accelerated Aging Process Due To Lipid Peroxidation
Promotes Feelings Of Vitality, Increased Energy & Well-Being
Continues To Remove Metals After Initial Provocation
Lessens Shock To System Through Slow-Absorption
Supports Healthy Brain And Neurological Function
Simple, Convenient And Easy To Self-Administer
Well Tolerated During Hemorrhoidal Conditions
A Significant Adjunct To Replace IV Therapy
Helps Maintain Healthy Body Metabolism
Well Tolerated By Adults And Children
Clears Toxic Metal Buildup In Tissues
Supports Cardiovascular Health
Decreases Free-Radical Damage
Gentle, Non-Invasive And Safe
Improves Cognitive Function
Facilitates Toxic Elimination
Increases Mental Clarity
Supports Bone Health
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Safer Than IV Chelation

Detoxamin is proven to be safer and fewer side effects than IV chelation therapy.

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Clinical Safety Experience

The dosage form is gentle and appears to create little bilogical burden and is well tolerated.

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Millions Administered

One Detoxamin is inserted flat end first, right before bedtime every other night.


The lower and middle hemorrhoidal veins bypass the liver-and do not undergo first pass metabolism. This means that the EDTA in Detoxamin goes directly to the organs of your body without being filtered through the liver first. Because of this, the EDTA contained in Detoxamin is very productive


Detoxamin’s mechanism allows the EDTA to absorb through the colon wall while you sleep. Almost all the blood from the rectum makes its way to the superior hemorrhoidal veins, a tributary of the portal system, so absorption through the rectal wall carries EDTA in Detoxamin to the portal vein. The lower and middle hemorrhoidal veins bypass the liver, and do not undergo first pass metabolism.


Detoxamin also introduces EDTA directly into the systemic circulation, efficiently bypassing the portal circulation and the liver metabolism on the first pass. Rectal absorption may also occur through the lymphatic system and, in some cases, largely through the blood via the vena cava.


The efficacy of Detoxamin’s formula is based on solid scientific framework and verified through clinical trials, and offers many advantages both over the expensive intravenous method of EDTA chelation. Eliminates the the use of needles via the intravenous method, and the risk of other communicable blood-borne diseases.


Detoxamin allows absorption into the Lymphatic System unlike any other chelators known. The most powerful free radical fighter you have is your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system holds 80% of your body’s anti-oxidant capacity and is your body’s second circulatory system. Wherever your blood stream goes, the lymphatic system is right next to it. In fact, the lymphatic stream parallels the blood stream.


The Calcium EDTA in Detoxamin has an extra chemical bond compared to the older Disodium EDTA. This gives Detoxamin EDTA an affinity for MERCURY. Mercury is also excreted from the body through the feces, because Detoxamin utilizes the colon wall for EDTA assimilation, it is a powerful Mercury chelator, making it possible to eliminate DMPS in some patients.


The rectal mucosa (rectum) is much more capable than the gastric mucosa (stomach) of tolerating various supplement related irritations. This is why patients who can’t tolerate oral methods are given the same supplement in suppository form. In fact, absorption with any oral EDTA tablet is so low that about 150 (500mg) oral EDTA tablets are equal to just 3-5 Detoxamin suppositories.


Detoxamin detoxification works on specific FOCI, (focal areas of interference or disturbance within the body.) If there is a localized problem someone is having, there is often lymphatic stasis involved with concurrent mineral imbalance at the interstitial / cell level.

There’s Something Very Special About Detoxamin®

It’s The Quality Of Detoxamin® That You Want, And The Scientific Proof You Need.

Detoxamin is a time-release suppository that binds and removes or decreases toxic heavy metal contaminants. Detoxamin uses Calcium Disodium EDTA (CaNa₂), a synthetic amino acid, in a suppository form as a chelating agent in a proprietary natural triglyceride premium USP time-release base.

Four carefully monitored clinical trials revealed no significant adverse effects either reported by patients or within blood chemistry panels of those in the studies. The researchers state that the dosage form is gentle and appears to create little biological burden and is very well tolerated. Several million doses have been administered  to hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide.

Backed By Over 10 Years Of Published Scientific And Clinical Research Proving Detoxamin’s Extraordinary Efficacy And Safety.

When You Talk To Doctors And Patients Who Have Used Detoxamin, Their Stories Are Nothing Short Of Amazing. Isn’t It Time To Take A Closer Look At This Remarkable Therapy?

Toxic Heavy Metal Overload in the walls of coronary arteries seems to decrease levels of nitric oxide, a compound known as “Endothelial Relaxing Factor” – without this substance normal blood flow is impeded therefore increasing the risk of vascular blockages.

The slow and consistent movement of EDTA via Detoxamin’s patented formula is scientifically proven to provide significant blood and tissue levels to chelate toxic metals without a high dose EDTA IV drip over many hours. This data point to Detoxamin’s ability to deliver a continuous lower dose concentration of EDTA for longer periods of time compared with IV administration, allowing EDTA to bind to metals more efficiently and effectively. Another observation of Detoxamin’s EDTA revealed higher amounts of EDTA in prostate tissue as compared to IV, this can have far-reaching implications of a more complete distribution of EDTA into interstitial and intracellular spaces, further leading to more efficient chelation of compartmentalised heavy metal content.

Toxic Heavy Metal Overload in the adrenal glands reduce the production of hormones, which cause early aging, stress, decreased sex drive and aggravation of menopausal symptoms. Heavy Metal Overload can lead to unresponsiveness of diabetics to their medications. Heavy Metal Overload can lead to neurological diseases such as depression and loss of thinking power. It can also aggravate conditions such as osteoporosis and hypothyroidism. For obvious reasons, removing metals from the body safely has been a concern of physicians for many years. The body has need for approximately 70 friendly trace element heavy metals, but there are another 12 poisonous heavy metals, such as Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel, etc., that act as poisonous interference to the enzyme systems and metabolism of the body. No matter how many good health supplements or procedures one takes, heavy metal overload will be a detriment to the natural healing functions of the body. .
Realise an overall improvement in your vitality and feelings of well-being, now and in the future with Detoxamin®.

Finally, There’s A Way For People To Get The Detoxification Benefits That Were Only Available Via Intravenous Chelation, Right In The Comfort Of Their Own Home.

Heavy Metal Overload in the walls of coronary arteries seems to decrease levels of nitric oxide, a compound known as “Endothelial Relaxing Factor” – without this substance normal blood flow is impeded therefore increasing the risk of vascular blockages.


Remove Toxins

[EDTA] doesn’t enter into the cells, rather it circulates outside the cells and cleanses these areas and blood vessels exposed to stress and toxins.


Stops Free Radicals

[EDTA] removes heavy metals and toxins from the “wrong places” (blood vessels and joints) and stops free radical damage by scavenging certain minerals that are promoting the free radical process.


Anti-Aging Therapy

It also has anti-aging properties, that it prevents tissues and organs from hardening or stiffening due to calcium deposition which occurs as the tissues aged.

Detoxamin is much less invasive, in no way uncomfortable, and is generally greatly preferred over IV treatments.

Pulls Out Metals

Chelation comes from the Greek word “claw,” meaning “to grab,” which is exactly what EDTA does. When a molecule of EDTA travels through the bloodstream and gets near a toxic metal such as lead or mercury, it grabs the destructive particle and binds tightly with it, pulling it out of the membrane or body tissue it was embedded in.

Inactivates & Eliminates

EDTA seizes a positively charged metal ion and surrounds it. This action inactivates the metal, then the body safely eliminates the bound compound, primarily via the kidneys. Imagine pinching a marble between the thumb and forefinger, the marble being the metal ion and the thumb and forefinger being the chelating agent.

Attracts Stubborn Metals

Because EDTA has an affinity to heavy particles, it can attract and bind to heavy metals. The toxic ion and the amino acid connect, and because the body regards the EDTA as a foreign substance, it sends it to the kidney for elimination. Both the EDTA and the heavy metals get a free ride into the toilet. Detoxamin, a novel approach.

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Living In A Toxic World

Pollutants are a direct effect of our environment. What we eat, drink and breathe and where we live, work, drive & play. Although we live in a beautiful world, it’s what we don’t see that often provides the dangerous, high risk contaminants that put our health at risk.

Unfortunately, we are exposed to an ever-increasing toxic metal environment everyday. The most common being an excess of iron, mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium and arsenic. Contaminants produced by industry are toxic to our cells and consequently contribute to chronic illness and accelerated aging.

It’s no mystery to anyone paying attention that we need to remove these toxins to counteract the detrimental effects of toxic pollution. The elimination of toxins can improve your health dramatically. Isn’t it time for you to take a closer look at this remarkable therapy?

Comparison of the Absorption, Brain and Prostate Distribution, and Elimination of (Detoxamin®) CaNa₂ EDTA Chelation Suppositories to Intravenous Administration (PUBLISHED JANA Vol. 10, No. 2, 2007)
Effects of CaNa₂ (Detoxamin®) Suppositories on Excretion of Heavy Metals. LIving Longer Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio
Detoxamin is becoming the logical choice over I.V. EDTA chelation and the poorly absorbed oral EDTA.

Safer, More Convenient and Much More Affordable Than The Traditional I.V. Method

Protect yourself and your family with the most effective self-administered EDTA chelation available.

Metal Toxicity – Clinical Relevance. Some of the most dangerous emerging health challenges society is facing today are directly related to environmental oxidative toxins.

A plethora of published biomedical studies clearly indicate the insidious toxicity on non-physiological metals, and the specific mechanisms for the neurotoxic, nephrotoxic and immune-dysregulary effects of the metals have been well elucidated. Environmental exposure to heavy metals in our society is becoming a more clinically significant medical condition on a daily basis. If unrecognised or inappropriate treated, heavy metal toxicity, especially lead, arsenic, mercury, nickel and others can result in significant morbidity and mortality. Concern for your patients must be more widespread and long-term observation of and protection from these dangers. The detection, reduction, and elimination of toxic metals is a specialized field of medicine that is becoming more and more recognized as essential to the prevention and treatment of critical diseases, diseases that are affecting your patients.

The sheer numbers of people who would benefit from chelation therapy preclude effective case management in established IV therapy. Clearly, a simply and effective more convenient therapy such as Detoxamin EDTA suppositories are needed.

Benefits Of EDTA Chelation Therapy in Arteriosclerosis

A Retrospective Study Of 470 Patients
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1. Benefits of EDTA Chelation Therapy in Arteriosclerosis a Retrospective Study of 470 Patients

by C. Hancke, MD, and K. Flytlie, MD

2. A Pilot Double Blind Study of Sodium Magnesium EDTA in Peripherral Vascular Disease

by Efrain Olszewer, MD, Fuad Calil Sabbag, MD, and James P. Carter, MD, DrPH New Orleans, Louisiana

3. EDTA Chelation Therapy Efficacy in Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease

by H. Richard Casdorph, MD, PhD

4. EDTA Chelation Therapy III Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Occlusion an Alternative to Amputation

by H. Richard Casdorph, MD, PhD and Charles H. Farr, MD, PhD

5. EDTA Chelation Therapy in Chronic Degenerative Disease


6. The Correlation Between EDTA Chelation Therapy and Improvement in Cardiovascular Function A Meta Analysis

by L. Terry Chappell, MD, and John P. Stahl, PhD

7. 6 Children with Lead Poisoning

by John A, Friedman, MD, Howard L. Weinberger, MD

8. A Nonsurgical Approach to Obstructive Carotid Stenosis Using EDTA Chelation

by C.J. Rudolph, DO, PhD, E.W. McDonagh, DO, ACGP, and R.K. Barber, BS, ACSM, ETT

9. Absorbtion of Drugs from the Rat Colon by Lewis S. Schanker

by Lewis S. Schanker

10. An Observation of the Effect of EDTA Chelation and Supportive Multivitamin Trace Mineral Supplementation onBlood Platelet Volume a Brief

by C.J. Rudolph, DO, PhD, E.W. McDonagh, DO, ACGP, and R.K. Barber, BS, ACSM, ETT

11. An Oculocerebrovasculometric Analysis of the Improvement in Arterial Stenosis Following EDTA Chelation Therapy

by E.W. McDonagh, DO, FACGP, C.J. Rudolph, DO, PhD, E. Cheraskin, MD, DMD

12. Beneficial Effects of Zinc Supplementation During Chelation Treatment of Lead Intoxication in Rats

by S.J.S. Flora and S.K. Tandon

13. Carotid Restenosis a Case for EDTA Chelation

by H. Joseph Holliday, MD, FACA, RVT

14. Chelation Therapy a Survey of Treatment Outcomes and Selected SocioMedical Factors

by Wesley J. Adams, PhD, and Charles T. McGee, MD

15. Chelation Therapy of Occlusive Arteriosclerosis in Diabetic Patients

by Carlos P. Lamar, MD, F.I.C.A.

16. Chronic Diseases A Practical Method for the Reduction of Plasma Cholesterol in Man

by Henry A. Schroeder, M.D

17. Current Status of EDTA Chelation Therapy in Occlusive Arterial Disease , MD

by Elmer M. Cranton, MD, James P. Frackelton

18. Demographic Data and Treatment of Small Companion Animals With Lead Poisoning 347 Cases 1977 to 1986

by Rhea V. Morgan, DVM; Laurie K. Pearce, DVM; Frances M. Moore, DVM; Thomas Rossi, DVM, MS

19. Disappearance of Immune Deposits with EDTA Chelation Therapy in a Case of IgA Nephropathy

by Ja-Liang Lin, MD

20. Disintergration of Retroviruses by Chelating Agents

by V. Wunderlich and G. Sydow

21. EDTA Chelation Treatment for Vascular Disease A Meta Analysis Using Unpublished Data

by L. Terry Chappell, MD, John P. Stahl, PhD, and Ronald Evans, MA

22. Effect of EDTA Chelation and Supportive Multivitamin Trace Mineral Supplementation Chronic Lung Disorders A Study of FVC and FEV

by C.J. Rudolph, DO, PhD, E.W. McDonagh, DO, ACGP, and Rhonda.K. Barber, BS, ACSM, ETT

23. Effect of EDTA Chelation and Supportive Multivitamin Trace Mineral Supplementation on Carotid Circulation Case Report

by C.J. Rudolph, DO, PhD, E.W. McDonagh, DO, ACGP

24. Effect of EDTA Chelation Therrapy Plus Multivitamintrace Mineral Supplementation Upon Vascular Dynamics Ankle Brachial Doppler Systolic Blood Pressure Ratio

by E.W. McDonagh, DO, C.J. Rudolph, DO, E Cheaskin, MD, DMD

25. Lead Nephropathy Gout and Hypertension

by Vicihi Batuman, MD, FACP

26. Lead Toxicity Chelation Therapy New Findings

by R. Gooneratne and A. Olkowski

27. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evidence of a Reduction in Disc Herniation Using a Combination of EDTA Chelation and Joint Reconstructive Therapy

by C.J. Rudolph, DO, PhD, FACAM, E.W. McDonagh, DO, ACGP, FACAM

28. Mineral Excretion Associated with EDTA Chelation Therapy

by Hugh D. Riordan, M.D., Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D., and Marvin Dirks, B.D., M.A.

29. Visual Field Evidence of Macular Degeneration Reversal Using a Combination of EDTA Chelation and Multiple Vitamin and Trace Mineral Therapy

by C.J. Rudolph, DO, PhD, FACAM, R.T. Samuels, OD, and E.W. McDonagh, DO, ACGP, FACAM

30. Potential Uses of Chelation Methods in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases

by J. Roderick Kitchell, Lawrence E. Meltzer and Marvin J. Seven

31. Reduction of Elevated Plasma Lipid Levels in Artherosclerosis following EDTA Therapy

by J. H. Olwin and J. L. Koppel

32. Safety Evalutation Studies of Calcium EDTA

by Bernard L. Oser, Mona Oser and Howard C. Spencer

33. The “Clinical Change“ in Patients Treated with EDTA Chelation Plus Multivitamin/Trace Mineral Supplementation

by Edward W. McDonagh, D.O., Charles J. Rudolph, Ph.D., D.O., and Emanuel Cheaskin, M.D., D.M.D.

34. The Correlation Between EDTA Chelation Therapy and Improvement in Cardiovascular Function: A Meta-Analysis

by L. Terry Chappell, MD, and John P. Stahl, PhD

35. The Current Status of EDTA Chelation Therapy

by Elmer M. Cranton, MD

36. The Effect of Calcium Chelation on Cardiac Arrythmias and Conduction Disturbances

by Sidney Jick, M.D. and Robert Karsh, M.D.

37. The Effect of EDTA Chelation Therapy Plus Supportive Multivitamin Trace Mineral Supplementation Upon Renal Function: A Study in Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)

by E.W. McDonagh, DO, C.J. Rudolph, DO, PhD, E. Cheraskin, MD, DMD

38. The Effect of EDTA Chelation Therapy Plus Supportive Multivitamin Trace Mineral Supplementation Upon Renal Function: A Study in Serum Creatinine

by EW McDonagh, DO, CJ Rudolph, PhD, DO, E Cheraskin, MD, DMD

39. The Effects of Thiamin on Lead Metabolism: Whole Body Retention of Lead-203

by Jin Suk Kim, Donald L. Hamilton, Barry R, Blakley, and Colin G. Rousseaux

40. The Efficacy of Chelation Therapy and Factors Influencing Mortality in Lead Intoxicated Petrol Sniffers

by C. B. Burns PhD, B. Currie

41. Treatment of Occlusive Vascular Disease with Disodium Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA)

by Norman E. Clarke, Sr. M.D., Norman E. Clarke Jr. M.D. and Robert E. Mosher, PhD

42. Proof of EDTA’s Permeability by way of the Colon

by M. Ella, R Behrens, C Northrop, P Wraight and G. Neale Dunn Clinical Nutrition Centre and New Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, U.K.

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