For Informational Purposes Only

The opinions expressed here reflect solely the views of the contributors and not those of Detoxamin. We do not verify or endorse any claims made in these reviews.

The improvement in my condition has been quite dramatic!

Phil Archer

I had a major heart attack in February 2019, which left me unable to walk more than a few metres. I started getting IV EDTA from a local doctor but each infusion cost me $240.00 So I did some research and came across Detoxamin, which I immediately ordered and have been using, according to your protocol, ever since. The improvement in my condition has been quite dramatic, having gone from being almost cripple to now being able to walk 4 kms. I am extremely happy with your product and will continue to use it for the rest of my life. Thank you again and keep up the great work.

Detoxamin will revolutionize medicine!

Dr Sherry Rogers MD, Total Wellness, Author

My hat goes off to [the manufacturers of Detoxamin] for researching and making EDTA chelation available, affordable, non-prescription, and practical for a greater number of people… for as you have learned, heavy metal toxicity is at the root of many incurable conditions, and it is not going to go away. Detoxamin will revolutionise medicine.

Used 90 Detoxamin suppositories over the past year and it has cleaned out my femoral arteries which had been 60-70 percent blocked!

Jack Yates, Vashon WA

Detoxamin suppositories have pretty much saved my life. I have used 90 Detoxamin suppositories over the past year and it has cleaned out my femoral arteries (which had been 60-70 percent blocked) and my carotid arteries that were blocked as well. My blood pressure has gone from 140 to about 110 and I no longer need to take my blood-pressure medication. My cholesterol numbers have dropped as well!

I have designed a protocol for eliminating macular degeneration and other eye problems

From the June 2003 issue of Townsend Letter For Doctors And Patients by Dr Morton and Vladimir P. Shurlan, MD

In 1997, diagnostic procedures carried out by chelating physician Vladimir P. Shurlan, MD, of Cambridge, Massachusetts revealed that his new patient, Mrs. Anna Siemans, a 69-year-old Boston homemaker, was affected by numerous health problems. She suffered from atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, multiple allergies, fungal infections, colon polyps, and osteoarthritis, What troubled Mrs. Siemans most however were two impairments of her eyesight macular degeneration of the left eye and glaucoma in the right. Her vision loss of 25% caused Mrs. Siemans to be classified “legally blind” by the State of Massachusetts.

Before visiting Dr. Shurlan, the patient had been incorrectly treated for her eye problems with continuously elevated doses of Cipro®, an antibiotic. Dr. Shurlan, a former practicing ophthalmologist, states, “This Cipro® prescription made no sense, because she had almost no infection at all. When I cultured her eyesockets for bacteria, moderate staphylococcus overgrowth appeared on the culture medium but hardly anything sufficient to warrant such antibiotic treatment. She merely possessed calcium in the left eye, and that was the source of her main difficulty, macular degeneration. I determined that Mrs. Siemans would respond well to mild but steady chelation therapy for calcium removal, and one technique for such administration is by rectal suppository using Detoxamin. This product is highly effective with a low cost and allows for convenient application by the patient, ” Dr. Shurlan advises. “Well, the suppository worked well, by the end of three months of use her excess calcium had disappeared and my patient resumed reading and writing with no difficulty. She could see well once again.

“Adding to my patient’s Detoxamin rectal treatment, I prescribed a variety of nutrients as supplements to Ms. Siemans’ food supply. She has steadily improved. Recently when she went to show the local university ophthalmologist her vision improvements, he was absolutely flabbergasted,” Dr. Shurlan affirms. “The specialist telephoned me and declared, “There’s hardly ever any positive response with macular degeneration and glaucoma no matter what treatments are employed, so how did you accomplish that positive change?” I told this ophthalmologist about the rectally administered EDTA present in Detoxamin, and today he uses that same suppository as part of his eye treatment too.

“I have designed a protocol for eliminating macular degeneration and other eye problems which my local pharmacy compounds for people who request it, to apply on their own,” says Dr. Vladimir Shurlan.

Great improvement in tingling and numbing toes!

Dr David Hendrickson, Ogden UT

I have had numbing and tingling in my toes for the past 3-4 years and after using one container of Detoxamin. I am seeing great improvement. I expect the numbing and tingling to completely go away with the use of Detoxamin. Also I don’t know if it is related but my PSA in the same time frame has gone from a 3.8 to 1.3.

I had a 12-year-old girl go from a D to straight A’s!

Dr Robert Moody, Salt Lake City UT

Results from Detoxamin have been great. Patients are experiencing greater energy from using Detoxamin. Also several men have had their prostate problems cleared up after using Detoxamin. I also had a 12-year-old girl that went from a straight-A student to a D student in 2 years. We tested her and she was found to have very high mercury content. She was also diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome, a mild form of Autism. After using one container of Detoxamin her mercury content decreased and her grades went back up to straight A’s.

After the 6th suppository, I noticed that it was getting easier to urinate and I was sleeping thru the night!

John Wagner, La Mesa CA

I have been diagnosed with the early stages of prostate cancer and have been experiencing difficulties urinating, and waking up repeatedly during the night. After the 6th suppository, I noticed that it was getting easier to urinate and I was sleeping thru the night. Now after 15 Detoxamin suppositories, it no longer hurts to urinate and I produce a full stream instead of a trickle.

I previously related to you the improvement I had experienced in my pressure readings related to my glaucoma and just wanted to let you know that I have now been off the eye drops for nine months!

Virginia M Monte, Akin Texas

It has been quite some time since I have been in contact so I wanted to give you an update. I previously related to you the improvement I had experienced in my pressure readings related to my glaucoma and just wanted to let you know that I have now been off the Xalatan eye drops for nine months. As of my appointment last week, my readings were actually better than they were six months ago. My ophthalmologist does not want to see me again for one year. As I told you before he doesn’t know if this is strictly related because he has never had a patient with glaucoma who has also had chelation…but…it seems to me this might be something that would be worth your research. As you know I am now on Detoxamin maintenance. Since I had been on prescription eye drops for the glaucoma beginning in the early 80s, this seems to be almost a miracle!!

I am a construction worker and have had ongoing respiratory problems. I am now able to breathe easier!

Jim Todoro, Point Pleasant NJ

The results that I have experienced from using one container of Detoxamin are great. I am a construction worker and have had ongoing respiratory problems. But since I started taking Detoxamin, my sensitivity to things like paint have decreased a lot. I am now able to breathe easier.

Detoxamin provides a safe and effective alternative to the expensive EDTA protocol for metal detoxification!

Dr Jim LaValle, Living Longer Institute, Cincinatti OH

Detoxamin CaNa2-EDTA Suppositories provide a safe and effective alternative to the expensive and invasive traditional slow drip EDTA protocol for metal detoxification. Detoxamin appears to be a safe and effective means to slowly and consistently remove a variety of toxic heavy metals, as evidenced by urine and fecal analysis.

I had had 80% blockage down to 40% in each artery according to my doctor-administered ultrasound!

John Scheuerman, Boxford MA

I had had 80% blockage of my carotid arteries before using Detoxamin. After using just 60 detoxamin suppositories, my blockage is down to 40% in each artery according to my doctor-administered ultrasound.

Intermittent claudication is improving dramatically!

Dr Michael Baum, New York NY

Has prostate cancer and has been on chemotherapy for a few years and his veins are getting calcified. After one month on Detoxamin his veins are now pliable and nurses have no trouble finding veins for injections. His intermittent claudication is improving dramatically.

Same results as the long-term IV treatment!

Gary Ramshur, Bastrop LA

I have taken IV chelation for three years and the results from just my first two containers of Detoxamin are the same as from the long term IV chelation treatment.

Patient dropped 4 holes on his belt!

Dr Cretti, Santa Barbara CA

I have a patient who has been on Detoxamin for about 6 months and wants to stay on it longer because, in that time he has dropped down 4 holes on his belt and wants to keep the weight off.

Platelets had normalized and continue to be normal after several months!

Maureen Pelletier, Orange County CA

I’ll have to admit that when I was approached to conduct a clinical trial on Detoxamin I was both curious and skeptical. I forewarned the patients about all of the possible side effects and complications in their consent form, but did not mention the benefits. Surprisingly, a few weeks into the study, I started getting unsolicited phone calls and e-mails from study participants commenting on improvements in vitality, mental clarity, strength, hair texture, skin elasticity, coordination to name a few. One of my patients, a Catholic priest, had had problems with abnormal platelets, which no practitioner, including our Living Longer clinic, had been able to correct. Approximately one-month after starting the Detoxamin he called me with great delight stating that for the first time in over a decade his platelets had normalized and continue to be normal after several months! I’m not sure that I understand the mechanism but I surely am pleased with the results. I feel that Detoxamin can definitely be a useful tool.

After using Detoxamin for only 2 months, my blood pressure has dropped significantly to about 130/75!

Ray Pearson DC, Harrison AR

I have 10 patients on Detoxamin and it is working great. Personally, I have been taking 40 milligrams of blood pressure medication to try and control my high blood pressure but it has not been working. My blood pressure has been in the range of 165/100, but after using Detoxamin for only 2 months, my blood pressure has dropped significantly to about 130/75.

I feel that the benefits Detoxamin have to offer improves my clients’ health at a deep cellular level, and that they will continue to benefit from it for the rest of their lives!

Judith Shamosh, Natural Health Medical Herbalist, Phoenix AZ

My clients have been thrilled with the results of the Detoxamin. Many of my clients have been interested in chelation therapy but found the cost and the time to be prohibitive and Detoxamin have made these concerns non-issues. Most of my clients have a noticeable increase in energy. Many no longer have the afternoon slump or no longer need naps. Of particular significance have been the positive effects experienced by my older male clients with prostate issues. One 62-year-old man was literally getting up every hour at night to urinate. It was so bad that he was considering surgery. After just one dose of Detoxamin, he would awaken at 4AM to urinate and go back to sleep until his normal waking time. I feel that the benefits Detoxamin have to offer improves my clients’ health at a deep cellular level, and that they will continue to benefit from it for the rest of their lives. No other product can do that for them.

My mercury went from “off the charts” to zero!

Charles Scott DC, Odessa TX

After using 15 Detoxamin suppositories, the mercury in my hair sample before and after tests went from “off the charts” to almost zero. I am very pleased with the benefits of Detoxamin.

With the IV chelation, I would feel better for a day or two. But with Detoxamin I feel good all of the time.!

Jerry Meeks, Eden NC

I have had forty IV chelation therapy treatments, but Detoxamin suppositories have been more effective. After about fifteen of the Detoxamin suppositories, I have much more energy and my blood pressure is steadily improving. With the IV chelation, I would feel better for a day or two. But with Detoxamin I feel good all of the time.

Had chronic fatigue for several years and have tried everything and I mean everything. Detoxamin is the first thing that has worked!

Anthony Jeffries, Tacoma Washington

I recommend Detoxamin to any and all who have given up on modern medicine to fix their health woes!!

Suffering from heavy metal poisoning, tried DMSA for 18 months and with no results and didn’t like the DMSA side effects…started using Detoxamin and have had amazing results!

Katherine Chilcote, West Chester PA

I have been suffering from heavy metal poisoning for a long time. I tried DMSA for 18 months and with no results and did not like the DMSA side effects. I started using Detoxamin about three months ago and have had amazing results so far. I was nearly confined to a wheelchair due to the pain in my legs, but the pain is much, much better now. I had been experiencing severe pain in my entire body, but that has now been reduced. In addition, I had numbness and tingling that had been driving me crazy for a long time; it is also much, much better now. Detoxamin is working great.

Mercury level lowered drastically!

Linda Deleskiewicz, West Chester PA

Last month I finished a two-month treatment with the Detoxamin and my Mercury level lowered drastically.

Cleans toxic metals in all areas!

Dr Morton Walker, Respected Doctor & Author

Detoxamin is chelation in a low-cost, convenient manner; it’s an effective way to effuse the EDTA chelating agent through the bowel walls and into the blood stream to clean toxic metals from cells in all areas of the body.

Increase in my overall energy level!

Dr George Courtright, Valley Vision Center, West Point, GA

I am a healthy person but the main benefit I have seen from using only 15 Detoxamin is an increase in my overall energy level.

I recommend Detoxamin to any and all!

Anthony Jeffries, Tacoma Washington

I recommend Detoxamin to any and all who have given up on modern medicine to fix their health woes!!

To say Detoxamin has helped to change my life would be no overstatement!

L. Winchester, USA

Letter from a patient to their doctor: I wanted to let your know how very grateful I am for your thoughtful diagnosis and loving support and understanding; and also to report how much using the Detoxamin for lead for my condition has meant to me… I am generally more related and ready to re-enter the human race . To say Detoxamin has helped to change my life would be no overstatement.

Within a ten-day period the pain had subsided and has not recurred!

PL (Pat) Millaway, Corinne, UT

I began the Detoxamin treatment on a Tuesday, April 16, last, and by Saturday I could notice a slight betterment. I went off all my pain medication immediately, because I want to know the truth. Within a ten-day period the pain had subsided and has not recurred. The peritoneal distention is markedly receding and I am looking forward to my standard waist size of 34 instead of the high point I reached in mid April of 48 inches. (and they couldn’t find the problem!!)

The single most effective tool!

Loretta Beasley, Sebastian, FL

I’m convinced the Detoxamin was/is the single most effective tool used by The Lord for my healing. Miracles are instant, healing takes time. I could have been made whole by an instant miracle surly, and it wouldn’t have been the first time. However, I sense that many people have faith but not enough to allow The Lord to move on their behalf by miracle but rather by healing. Truly He knows me better than I know myself and knew I’d share what I’ve learned with others.

Stands alone in the alternative health care arena!

Dr Robert Meliodon, Huntington Valley, PA

The Detoxamin product is truly effective, modestly priced and very safe to use and as such, stands alone in the alternative health care arena. Thank you for putting this wonderful product within the grasp of many people who otherwise would never have had chelation therapy available to them as an option.

More energy, clarity of thought, ed issues started to go away. I don’t need Viagra anymore!

Anthony Jeffries, Tacoma, WA

I have had several issues over the last few years, loss sense of smell and taste, low testosterone, ed issues, energy problems, depression, etc. I have seen a natural path, urologist, endocrinologist, and a mental health specialist. The ed issues I have were lack of libido and blood flow. I started taking detoxamin strictly for the blood flow issues as that could indicate more serious cardiovascular problems. To my amazement I started to have more energy, clarity of thought, ed issues started to go away. I don’t need Viagra anymore!!! My sense of smell and taste have started to come back, I am smelling things as if for the first time, as it’s been nearly 10 years since my smelling sense has worked correctly. My knee has been recovering from work faster and has hurt less. My pain tolerance has gone back up to near where it should be. I didn’t read any of the testimonials till after my first month of therapy. I can go on and on, but this is a testimonial, not a novel. I recommend this to any and all who have given up on modern medicine to fix their health woes!!

Dealing with the issue of heavy metal toxicity for several decades; your Detoxamin product does work!

Paul Greenlee Jr,, Mobile, AL

I have been dealing with the issue of heavy metal toxicity for several decades; your Detoxamin product does work in my opinion based on how much energy I now have throughout the day. I use a CPAP machine at night and medication to stay awake during the day. Being able to cut my medication in half is nothing short of a miracle.

Went back to my doctor for another scan. He told me I was doing much better and that I no longer needed the yearly scan!

Ron Romer, St. Peters, MO

Three years ago, I went to my doctor and did a chest scan. He told me I definitely had some problems and that I would need to come back every year for a new scan. I began taking Detoxamin, and after six months, went back to my doctor for another scan. He told me I was doing much better and that I no longer needed the yearly scan.

I slept better than I have in 15 years!

Jennifer Figueroa, Tucson, AZ

My husband and I are in the printing business and I have had trouble sleeping for years. After the first Detoxamin suppository I slept better than I have in 15 years.

Had skin rashes for more than 15 years and have tried many things, but Detoxamin seem to be what has really helped!

Michelle Clifton, Garrison, NY

I have had skin rashes for more than 15 years and have tried many things, but Detoxamin seem to be what has really helped. I also have fewer headaches, my eyesight seems clearer and I am waking up with more energy in the morning.

I have been using Detoxamin for about one month now. I know that it is working because I have so much energy!

Alberto Garcia, Eagle Pass, TX

I am 76-years-old and have been taking IV Chelation since 1998 for macular degeneration. I have been using Detoxamin for about one month now. I know that it is working because I have so much energy… it is coming out of my ears. I am planning on dropping IV Chelation and going with Detoxamin alone because it works so well. You have a customer for life.

Aspergers, the lead content dropped dramatically in both children!

Luc Maes DC ND, Santa Barbara, CA

I have two children (patients) with Aspergers syndrome. They have high lead content. I did a heavy metal detox challenge to determine lead content then gave 30 Detoxamin, one every other day, and then performed another heavy metal detox challenge. The lead content dropped dramatically in both children.

Using Detoxamin for about two weeks and have had the most amazing results!

Brenda Finn, Williamsburg, PA

I have been using Detoxamin for about two weeks and have had the most amazing results. I feel a “pulling feeling” from every major area of my body. I also am able to walk without a limp for the first time in 9 months due to extreme stiffness in my joints.

I know I have a mercury problem but Detoxamin IS definitely taking care of it.

After 60 Detoxamin suppositories the blue veins are gone!

Carla Adams, Fort Worth, TX

Before I started Detoxamin I had blue veins in my legs and feet and the ones on the tops of my feet were very painful. So painful that I was not able to wear certain kinds of shoes. After 60 Detoxamin suppositories the blue veins are gone, they are now clear and the pain is all gone. I can wear any shoes I like.

Lead levels are down 75%…Tin levels are down about 47%, nickel is down 30%, mercury is down 60%. Cadmium is down 57% and antimony is down 37%!

R Pavsner, North Carolina

I have been using Detoxamin for four months…I am very satisfied with the results. My lead levels are down 75%…Tin levels are down about 47%, nickel is down 30%, mercury is down 60%. Cadmium is down 57% and antimony is down 37%. I have recommended your product to others. I have enclosed my hair analysis from ten months ago and my most recent one for comparison purposes. Thanks again. Your product really works.

6 weeks ago I had an eye exam at the VA and was told my eyesight was 20/75. The other day they did the test again and said I was 20/20!

Efraim Xirinachs, Davey, FL

About 6 weeks ago I had an eye exam at the VA and was told my eyesight was 20/75. The other day they did the test again and said I was 20/20. The only thing I did different in that time was use Detoxamin. They have also cancelled my prescription for night time glasses, they said I don’t need them anymore.

Dr. Halstead again has to be acknowledged as a genius in the field!

Dr Erik Von Kiel, Total Health Herbal and Natural Medicine. Breinigsville, PA

Detoxamin has changed the field of chelation therapy and broadens the field of EDTA chelation therapy in every way. Now patients who were unable to come to the office regularly, patients with more advanced renal disease, and patients unable or unwilling to tolerate intravenous application of EDTA chelation, are able to obtain chelation with as good or better results than the present IV chelation therapy method. Safer, cheaper, more cost-effective, less invasive, and still more effective. What more is there to say? This changes the field of chelation therapy. Dr. Halstead again has to be acknowledged as a genius in the field.

My heart rate has gone from the 70s to as low as 52. It has not been below 70 for many years!

Vernon and Jane Synovec, Modesto, CA

My husband and I have been using Detoxamin for about 4 months and we are very pleased with the results. My heart rate has gone from the 70s to as low as 52. It has not been below 70 for many years. Our daytime vision has improved greatly as well as our night vision.

The pain in my feet is down to about 10%!

Reuel Jones, USA

It is now one month later and I have finished my first 30 days of Detoxamin. The pain in my feet is down to about 10% of what it was and my feet have gone from dry and flaky to soft and smooth. I have never seen anything like it and I have encouraged several friends to try it.

I had some spots on my body that several doctors had been unable to diagnose, and those have cleared up!

Jeanette Jordan, Long Point Medical Center, Houston, TX

I have been using Detoxamin for six months and my energy level has gone up. I have had sinus problems and my sinuses are cleared up. Also I had some spots on my body that several doctors had been unable to diagnose, and those have cleared up. Detoxamin suppositories have worked very well for me.

Pain in feet, after two months on Detoxamin, I have almost no pain at all!

Carolyn Yakaboski, Farmersville, LA

I have had pain in my feet and lower legs for years, mainly when I’ve awakened in the morning or after sitting for long periods. I thought it might be the start of arthritis. After two months on Detoxamin, I have almost no pain at all. Also my gastrointestinal tract has dramatically improved.

Within one month of using Detoxamin, my blood pressure has gone from 145/96 to 120/80!

Dr Bob, Philadelphia, PA

Within one month of using Detoxamin, my blood pressure has gone from 145/96 to 120/80. I am a smoker and my lungs are clearing up. I would wheeze when I laid down for bed, and I no longer wheeze. I know it is the Detoxamin because it is the only thing I am doing differently.

Using oral EDTA no success, After using my second Detoxamin suppository the pain from my angina has noticeably lessened. I expected good results, but not this fast!

Mike Bottomley, Clearwater, FL

I have been using oral EDTA for some time now without much or any success. After using my second Detoxamin suppository, the pain from my angina has noticeably lessened. I expected good results, but not this fast.

On Detoxamin for only one week, and all of the pain in my legs from fibromyalgia is gone!

Dianne Ricker, Phoenix, AZ

I have been on Detoxamin for only one week, and all of the pain in my legs from fibromyalgia is gone. I can walk again without any pain.

My hair had been cotton-white for a number of years. After only five Detoxamin suppositories, it has turned black and silver!

Francis Trotter, Martinsville, VA

My hair had been cotton-white for a number of years. After only five Detoxamin suppositories, it has turned black and silver. I have fibromyalgia and have had constant pain for years, but I wake up in the mornings now, and am pain free. I still have a little pain throughout the day, but it is far less than what it had been. I had pain in my legs when I try to walk, and

I have been using Detoxamin for three months now and my blood pressure has gone from 200/86 to 136/60!

Polly Mearle, Dallesport, WA

I have been using Detoxamin for three months now and my blood pressure has gone from 200/86 to 136/60. I am 81-years-old and I think Detoxamin is amazing. I used to have problems with my skin (rashes and itching) and I would have to use a lot of creams and lotions. Now I don’t, because I no longer have problems with my skin.

After two weeks on Detoxamin, my blood pressure decreased to the point where I could stop taking my blood pressure medication!

Charles Peterson, Escondido, CA

After two weeks on Detoxamin, my blood pressure decreased to the point where I could stop taking my blood pressure medication. Also before and after hair tests, my mercury, lead and nickel all dropped down significantly to well below the preference range.

My first month of Detoxamin and my angina is down about 90%!

Barry Honeycut, Texas

I have just finished my first month of Detoxamin and my angina is down by about 90%. The tension headaches that I had from high blood pressure are gone. My once poor circulation had caused the soles of my feet to become bruised (black and blue), and the soles are now pink. Plus, my angina symptoms have disappeared. Detoxamin really seems to be helping.

Your body has 1,000 times more lead than before the Industrial Age.

Did you know that studies have shown that on average, we have at least 1,000 times more lead in our brains, with even higher levels in our pituitary gland (makes your vital HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE) than we had before the industrial age? Other toxic heavy metals are being found in equally elevated levels in critical tissues and organs throughout our body, such as our kidneys, liver, and brain. In fact, congestive heart failure patients have recently been reported to have 22,000 times more mercury and 14,000 times more antimony in their hearts.

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